Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Bowery


To fully appreciate what a noble thoroughfare the Bowery is it should be studied in the block between Delancey and Spring streets. There are the up and down cable tracks of the Third avenue road, outside of those the up and down tracks of the Fourth avenue horse line, outside of those the up and down tracks of the West Twenty-third and Grand street ferries' horse car line, which swings in at Spring street going east and at Delancey street going west, outside of those the up and down tracks of the Third avenue elevated, or at least the supporting pillars, and outside of them all the two roomy sidewalks, and with those eight transportation tracks there is left on the roadway of the Bowery room for unobstructed vehicle traffic, second in extent to Broadway probably. It is a grand highway, of which New York is justly proud and concerning which, in the unenlightened provinces, there reigns cimmerian darkness. — New York Sun.

Sterilized Butter

Popp and Becker, German chemists, recommend sterilizing the materials used in butter making. They find that butter from pasteurized and sterilized cream keeps much longer than that from unsterilized cream.


The manufacture of candles was greatly aided by the investigation of fats and oils, the result of Chevreul's experiments.

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