Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tape by the Mile


At first blush it would not seem likely that electricians would have much use for tape, but as a matter of fact they employ it literally by the ton, especially of late years. The electrical circuits are of wire, and every time a joint is made it is served with tape, or should be, the tape being nearly an inch broad and well impregnated with insulating material to keep the current in and the moisture out.

Sometimes, if one looks up at wires in the street, stray ends of loose tape can be seen fluttering in the breeze, like rags from a sore finger. A great deal of electrical machinery is wound up with tape to prevent burn outs, and the street railway companies are wisely fond of liberally wrapping up their car motors in this way.

It would, in short, be difficult to find a modern department of electrical work in which tape is not an indispensable and ready means for helping to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the circuits. — Detroit Tribune.


Insurance solicitors can get a point from one of their kind down in Greenwich, Conn., who has hit upon a novel method of scouring people to take out policies in his company. He mails a circular to those whom he thinks will insure, stating that, as their time is worth $50 a day, he incloses a check for 15 cents, which will pay for the time consumed in reading the accompanying insurance propositions. He caught one man for $10,000 who would probably never have read the circular but for the accompanying check. — Philadelphia Lodger.

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