Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Six Months for Chasing Little Girls

New York, 1895

John Murphy of Long Island City, who chased little girls and who was arrested after a two mile chase by an excited mob, was sent to the county jail by Justice Duffy for six months.

Forest Fires Near Brentwood

A forest fire broke out on the farm of Dr. Wilson, at Brentwood. The flames raged furiously for a time and it looked as if a number of barns and houses would be destroyed. The people turned out and fought the fire.

A Sneak Thief Got There

A. Livingston Bogart's Jamaica amateur banjo orchestra had a rehearsal in Union Hall seminary Saturday night. Monday certain properties were mysteriously missing. A banjo, which had been loaned to Mr. Bogart by Mr. Alliger had disappeared, together with two clocks.

Pickle Factory Burned Down

The pickle factory belonging to A. Tiedman at West Deer park was burned on Thursday night. A gondola belonging to the Long Island railroad was also destroyed by the fire.

Looks Like Real Business

Henry A. Van Allen has the contract for furnishing the tires for the Long Island electric railroad, and on Saturday commenced delivering them along the line of the road, work upon which will shortly be commenced on South street.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 29, 1895, p. 8.

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