Friday, June 20, 2008

May Arrest the School Teacher

New York, 1895

The parents of Willie Umfricht, 12 years old, who is a pupil in the school at New Hyde Park, have been advised to cause the arrest of the principal of the school, William Dodge, on the charge of assault. Friday afternoon Principal Dodge had occasion to correct the boy, and when he called him to the platform the boy refused to obey. Then the principal went to the boy's seat and endeavored to pull him from it. Willie resisted, and during the struggle which followed he received an ugly gash in the cheek.

Fire at Harbor Hill

A spark from a Long Island railroad locomotive set fire to the underbrush in the Harbor Hill woods, east of Roslyn village, Wednesday morning. The flames quickly ran through the woods and burned throughout the day and night. A large tract of woodland was damaged.

Stealing Ivy from Graves

John Deickel, of Glendale, was arraigned before Justice Schmidt in Middle Village Friday charged with stealing ivy from graves in Lutheran cemetery. He was fined $20.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 29, 1895, p. 1.

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