Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Beefsteak "Musiccale"

New York, 1895

Chub Club Warriors Hold a Big Sample Council.

The warriors of the Chub Club and a number of pale-face guests assembled at a pow-wow on Saturday evening last and participated in a feast of succulent beef steak prepared a la Gale. Cyrus Beefsteak Gale acted as chef, and the accessories were most interesting. The steaks were broiled in a stove of the Louis Steenth period over a bed of coals of hickory wood of the vintage of '90. The diners, numbering over thirty, were clothed in full regalia, including the Shanghai tiara which is only worn when the tribe is in high feather. Owing to the absence of the Heap Big Chief, the Big Chief presided over the tribe and conducted the proceedings in accordance with the ancient tradition.

After the opening ceremonies the tribe were seated and the regular order began with the inspection of the fire which was found to be all O A K. Some objection was made, but a brave quieted the protest by starting the familiar ode "Don't be repin(e)ing." The steaks were duly inspected be(e)fore being ironed and declared "bully."

All declared that nothing ailed the Brown October, and the celery and radishes were fine. The steak was unanimously voted out of sight and many compliments were paid the artist who prepared it. After eating everything in sight the guests were entertained by songs, speeches and stories.

Nearly every nation from Russia to Spain was represented and celebrated men of all ages were present either in person or in spirit. Letters and telegrams of regret were received from Gov. Mor(e)ton and other prominent persons who had been expected.

The verdict was that the feast had been a grand success and the tribe dispersed to their tepees.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, March 15, 1895, p. 1.

Note: The parentheses and letters in them are original to the article.

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