Thursday, August 28, 2008

Eating to Live.


Dr. Pavy, perhaps the most eminent authority upon diet, says that the average man in a state of absolute rest can live on 16 ounces of food a day. A man doing ordinary light work can live on 23 ounces, and a man doing laborious work needs from 26¾ to 30 ounces.

This is food absolutely free from water, and it must be remembered that everything we eat contains more or less water, so that from 48 to 60 ounces of ordinary food are necessary to the work in which a man is engaged.

Sir Lyon Playfair, another great authority, gives the following as all that is necessary for a healthy man to eat in a week: Three pounds of meat, with one pound of fat; two ordinary loaves of bread, one ounce of salt and five pints of milk, or, for the meat, five or six pounds of oatmeal may be substituted. This sounds like starvation diet, but Sir Lyon Playfair generally knows what he's talking about. — Lancet.

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