Monday, August 25, 2008

Sneak Thief at Levi Lynch's Home

New York, 1895

Woodhaven and Ozone Park News.

Harrison Tuttle is spending his vacation in Orange county.

Sunday afternoon a sneak thief entered the home of Levi Lynch, on Hatch avenue, and stole $10.

Charles Tucker is spending a week angling for weak fish. Charley has sent home some very nice ones.

Martin Rilling of the Twenty-Sixth ward, Brooklyn, is preparing to open a bakery at Woodhaven Junction.

Children's Day was observed in the Ozone Park Methodist church on Sunday evening. There was extra music prepared for the occasion by F. Luce. The morning sermon was by the Rev. William Ross.

Xavier Kumpf was buried on Sunday in Maple Grove cemetery. The funeral ceremonies were conducted wholly by the Odd Fellows' lodge, of which the deceased was an active member. About 200 Odd Fellows were in the procession and they made an excellent showing.

The Siacs crossed bats with the Giants of Brooklyn on Saturday and took them into camp after a hard struggle. Score: Siacs 13, Giants 9. The Siacs have secured a phenomenon for first base. He can fairly eat the ball. A large crowd enjoyed the game from start to finish.

An inquest was held Monday night by Coroner Nutt and a jury as to the cause of the death of the unknown man whose body was found in Maple Grove cemetery last month. The jury rendered a verdict of death by strangulation at the hands of parties unknown.

The funeral of Franz Eigenbrodt took place on Sunday. The Odd Fellows and several other organizations, with a band of music, escorted the remains to Broadway and Ocean avenue. Fully 250 men were in line. A large number of carriages followed the remains to Maple Grove cemetery.

The citizens of Union Course will hold a mass meeting this evening for the purpose of co-operating with the board of education in its efforts to provide adequate accommodations for pupils. The board has appointed a conference committee of forty citizens residing in the several parts of the school district to examine into the pressing needs.

The inquest on the boy Jerome Gainer, who shot himself while out walking with his sweetheart last week, was held on Wednesday night. Several witnesses were examined, among them Miss Blanche Hempstead, who was with him when he committed the deed. The jury rendered a verdict of death by his own hand.

A lady claiming to be the wife of Joseph Garcia appeared at Aqueduct on Friday, and created considerable excitement by claiming that her husband had been recreant. He is a well known resident of that place and is a member of the grocery firm of Van Brunt & Co. His partner a young lady and she was the especial object of the wife's wrath.

The Gillespie artificial ice company has erected a large building extending through from Ocean avenue to Lawn avenue fifty feet on each street, for the manufacture of artificial ice. They have invested nearly $30,000 in the plant and the citizens are taking great interest in the new venture. The first lot of ice was turned out last week, and now fifteen tons are made daily. The size of each cake of ice is 11x22x44 inches. The well from which the water is obtained is 15 feet in diameter and 50 feet deep.

The article in THE FARMER last week pricking up Coroner Nutt for apparent sympathy with an attempt to conceal the identity of the suicide found near Cypress Hills caused a genuine sensation in this village. The result was that the jury ascertained the deceased to be one Charles Schaefer, of Brooklyn. He is supposed to have taken his life during a recurring fit of suicidal mania. Investigation revealed that he was of excellent family and that his relatives were desirous of keeping his identity from the public prints.

William J. Howard, who has a goat farm near Aqueduct, has had three men arrested for slaughtering his goats to gratify a grudge. The men are locked up in the Town Hall. The farm, which covers an area of some 150 acres, is devoted to the breeding of goats from stock brought by Mr. Howard from Mexico. They are very thin and wiry, and have skins of peculiar texture, suited better to conversion into kid than that of almost any other breed of goats. The experiment is being made of feeding them on meadow grass and hay, on which they seem to thrive. The firm has a factory in Brooklyn, where the skins undergo treatment. When Mr. Howard reached the farm Thursday morning he found five of the goats slaughtered. Extreme brutality had been resorted to in the destruction of the animals, one having been struck with a knife in eighteen places. Then a second slaughter took place, when six animals were killed.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 21, 1895, p. 8.

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