Monday, August 11, 2008

The Village Board of Health Abating the Nuisances.

New York, 1895

The village board of health held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday evening. President Doran presided. Douglas Wilson was absent. A communication was received from the village clerk stating that the board of trustees had leased land from Mrs. Margaret Foley for a dumping ground. On motion, the dumping ground chosen by the trustees was accepted.

Complaint was made of the condition of the yard of Anthony Van Dorn, on South street.

On motion of Mr. Marshall and upon the recommendation of the health officer, the secretary was directed to notify William E. Case to clear away all of the rubbish from the banks of the stream at his dumping ground and bury the same in trenches within ten days from date.

The secretary was directed to notify Chanche Edwards to have a cover placed over the manure pit in his stable yard and to disinfect the pit, and that the manure must only be removed from the pit between the hours of 10 o'clock P. M. and 2 A. M.

On motion of Mr. Woolley, the secretary was directed to notify the Brooklyn and Suburban railroad company to have the gutters on Fulton street thoroughly cleaned.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 14, 1895, p. 8.

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