Wednesday, August 27, 2008


New York, 1895

Engrossed Resolutions Which Express Public Opinion of the Man.

The board of trustees of the village of Jamaica surprised ex-President J. Tyler Watts at his home on Union avenue last Friday evening, and presented him a handsomely engrossed copy of resolutions that the board and the other village officers had adopted at the time of Mr. Watts' retirement from office. The document expressed the high esteem of Mr. Watts' official associates, and was signed by all of them. Trustee Van Allen made the presentation speech. The preamble and resolutions are as follows:

WHEREAS, After many years of faithful service as trustee and as president of the village, J. Tyler Watts has voluntarily retired from said board of trustees, and

WHEREAS, We, the officers of the village, have, from long official intercourse with him, become impressed with the zeal and honesty of purpose which has always characterized his actions, his readiness to suggest and co-operate in any movement tending to the benefit of the corporation and his unwavering determination to do right regardless of his personal interests; therefore be it

Resolved, That in the retirement of Mr. Watts from the aforesaid board the community has lost the earnest and valuable service of a conscientious and faithful officer; and

Resolved, That we take this opportunity of placing on record our appreciation of the courtesy, fairness and uniform kindness which has marked his official relations with us; and

Resolved, That we tender to Mr. Watts our sincere regrets at the severance of our official ties, and the assurance of our heartiest good wishes for his future welfare, success and happiness, and that he may long live to enjoy the peace and comfort to which his integrity and devotion to duty fully entitle him.

Mr. and Mrs. Watts entertained the company pleasantly.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, June 21, 1895, p. 8.

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