Saturday, August 9, 2008

Taking No Chances


George Harris, the negro who assaulted a young man at Uniontown because the latter had called him an "artist" and "aristocrat," is described as a civil, inoffensive fellow, who would not have committed the act had he been able to find a dictionary to learn the meaning of the words. No such book was handy, however, and Harris did not propose to take any chances and made a vicious attack on the young man with a hatchet. — Louisville Courier-Journal.

A Reflection

Landlady — I'm always forgetting — do you take cream in your coffee, Mr. Spluds?
Mr. Spluds (a pessimistic boarder) — Very seldom in this house, madam. — Detroit Free Press.

Wrangling Therewith

"You want a divorce from your wife, do you?"
"Yes, sir, I do."
"What grounds?"
"Incompatibility. She and the cook are quarreling continually." — Detroit Tribune.

Possibly George Won't Either

She — I brought George to my feet last night.
Her Rival — I always said that lace shoes would never stay tied. — Syracuse Post.


The Minnesota river was named by the Indians, from the words, Minni-Sotah, meaning "green water."

The Gas institute of London, for the purpose of improving the methods in gas engineering, was founded in 1863.

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