Saturday, August 9, 2008

She Beat the Company


This Woman Rode Free on a New York Road and Was Surprised.

A woman with red hair and black brows climbed the stairs to a Third avenue elevated station yesterday and searched through her purse for a nickel. She could find none, and the seller of tickets awaited with that impressive patience we learn to expect in every one who takes our money. Finally, after displaying everything in her wallet to the agent, so that he know her possessions as well as she did, the woman took out a bill and laid it before him. He flipped the ticket through the wicket and shoved after it a handful of the smallest coins he had in stock. She swept them into her purse and had started forward when another woman approached from the street. That comforted the ticket seller. He had wanted an excuse for telling his first patron to "step lively." But before he could employ his amiable formula the second woman and the first woman discovered an acquaintanceship — not to say friendly regard.

"Oh, so glad to meet you," said the new woman.

"So am I," was the red haired lady's response. "Never mind your purse. I am just buying my own ticket." And she pushed back a dime and said, "One, please."

"That's Canadian. I can't take it," exclaimed the agent, losing most of the remnant of his temper.

"I just took it from you. I'd like to know" —

"Don't make any difference. I can't take Canadian dimes. The company won't take them from me."

"Neither will I."

"Come, come. You are blocking the way there."

"And I'll block it till midnight if you try to play counterfeit coin on me."

"Madam, I will call" —

"You better keep this Canadian money. You'll need it after a bit, when you run away for embezzlement."

He glared through his wicket, but her red hair conquered him. The crowd behind was impatient and siding against him. A train was coming, and the vitriolic lady seemed nearer and nearer the point of leaping through the window at him. He made an impatient sweep of surrender, and two tickets and a good dime lay before her.

It was only after she and her friend found seats side by side in the train that her dark brows unbent, and she discovered she was 5 cents ahead of the railroad company. — New York Herald.

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