Friday, July 25, 2008



Don't forget to laugh. Laugh when you are happy, laugh when you are amused, laugh at yourself for being bored. There is always something to laugh at, and even when one is reduced to laughing at oneself that is very much better than to be "glum."

This is what laughter does for a woman: It keeps her heart young. It makes her like people for the sake of the pleasure they give her, and they, in turn, like her. It makes her steps buoyant. It keeps her eyes bright. It keeps her face from wrinkling. It is a beautifier second to no other one. It does for the muscles of the face what exercise does for those of the body — keeps them supple and prevents them from falling into those stiff and settled lines which mean old age.

There is no situation in life, except, of course, the inevitable tragic moments, that may not he bettered by laughter. It is hard to burlesque one's griefs and annoyances, but it can be done, and it is worth doing. To travesty one's emotions and to make a mockery of one's annoyances may not seem to be the highest form of philosophy, but it is not so low a one as to fret over trials and grow pessimistic over personal woes. — New York World.

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