Monday, July 28, 2008

Two Knock-outs at Ridgewood

New York, 1895

Two rattling fights were decided at the rooms of the Queens County A. C. of Ridgewood. on Saturday night. They were private subscription goes, and nearly 200 spectators watched the decision of the contests. The first bout was at catch weights between Jack Barry of New York and Billy Delaney of Brooklyn. Barry was by far the cleverer and scored repeatedly with both hands after the first round. Delaney was badly punished, but fought back gamely until the sixth round, when Barry landed a smashing left-hander and put him to sleep in 2 minutes 23½ seconds.

In the second "go," Jack Miller of New York opposed Billy McTighe for ten rounds at 125 pounds. It was a slugging match from the call of time. McTighe knocked his opponent out in the eighth round with a left in the wind and a right in the face.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 24, 1895, p. 1.

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