Thursday, July 3, 2008

Whose Box is This?

New York, 1895

Early Monday morning Officer Ashmead saw an Italian on Washington street, Jamaica, carrying a large box. The man acted suspiciously and Ashmead followed him to the woods at the foot of the street, where the Italian broke open the box which was fastened with a padlock, and took from it an overcoat, pistol and some other articles. He started down the railroad track, but was arrested and taken back to the place where he had left the box, and Officer Ashmead made him carry it back to the Town Hall. He was locked up. He gave his name as Nicholas Espanol. The box is marked J. Jackson, Wantagh. The prisoner would not tell how he came by the box.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 19, 1895, p. 8.

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