Monday, July 7, 2008

Woodhaven and Ozone Park News

New York, 1895

John Barrody is confined to his home with pneumonia.

The building in course, of erection on Ocean avenue near Broadway will be occupied by the Ozone Artificial Ice company, and will contain one of the largest ice machines manufactured.

The M. E. Church of Ozone Park held an enjoyable pound sociable and musicale on Wednesday night. Financially the affair was a success. The musical part was all that could be desired.

The Presiding Elder has appointed Geo. E. Tilly to preach at Union Course next Sabbath. No doubt the congregation will be pleased to have him with them, as he was the first to open up that field to Methodism.

The Siac base ball club have organized for the season with an entirely new team, composed of young men of Ozone Park and vicinity. They promise to give the people some interesting games during the season.

Why is it that the Highway Commissioners allow the ash heap at the corner of Napier place and Atlantic avenue? There is at least two good loads of ashes there. It is an eyesore to people coming from the station.

The scarlet fever, which has been prevalent at Ozone Park, has subsided. All of the people who were stricken with the disease have recovered with the exception of Evaline Lewin. She has now been attacked with pneumonia.

Stephen Lott and son, of Ozone Park, have several large contracts on hand for soil and sods for the New Venice settlement at Rockaway. The soil of Ozone brings better prices than soil from anywhere else, and gives better satisfaction.

Anton Ballin, a saloon keeper of Ozone Park, has gone out of business and removed to New York, leaving everything behind in the hands of his brewer and mortgagee. The residents of the vicinity will put in a protest against the place ever getting a license again.

Friday night C. B. Gale gave a beefsteak dinner to a number of Ozone Park and Jamaica people at the Public Pound building. The steak was the finest that could be got. The other things were very rare. The boys had an elegant time.

George Shattuck, citizen member of the board of health, has been kept busy ordering dead dogs buried and investigating alleged nuisances. The west end will receive good attention from Mr. Shattuck, as he is prompt in attending to all complaints.

Mrs. Henrietta Pinkney, after testifying against Stephen Swan, who attempted to kill his wife and contractor James Scott of Union Course, fell in a faint in Justice Lott's court room on Tuesday. A physician was hastily summoned. He said that the woman was suffering from nervous prostration, and advised that she be removed to her home. Swan was held to await the action of the grand jury.

The Far Rockaway express, which left Long Island City at 4:30 Friday afternoon, struck a wagon driven by E. Chastagner, at Belmont avenue. The wagon was demolished, and the driver tossed out upon his head. He escaped with a few slight bruises. The train struck the wagon in the rear and unhitched the horse, which ran away. The wagon was filled with wines and liquors, which were spilled.

Stephen Swan, of Union Course, was on Friday held for the grand jury by Justice Lott, for making a murderous assault upon James Scott, a boarder in his family. He went home under the influence of liquor Wednesday night and demanded money from his wife, accompanying the demand with threats of personal violence. The woman gave him all the change she had and Swan started to go out again. He met Scott in the hallway and began abusing him. The men grappled and Swan endeavored to use a knife he had in his hand. Scott overpowered him and caused his arrest.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 26, 1895, p. 8.

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